Creative Works
Please email sarahhutchingscomposer@gmail.com to purchase or license music.

Cobalt, Jade, Amethyst ♀ (2022)
Poetry by Sarah Williams (1837-1868)
Commissioned by Dr. Rachel Copeland and Penn State University
6 songs for high voice and piano
Duration 23 minutes
The Dream of the Moon (2021)
Poetry by Sarah Hutchings (1984-)
Commissioned by mezzo-soprano, Katherine Alexander
5 songs for medium voice and piano
Duration 15 minutes
(*also available for high voice and piano)

In Seasons of Life's Pursuit (2017)
Poetry by Max Ehrmann (1872-1945)
5 songs for low voice and piano
Duration 19 minutes
Coffee House Vespers (2013)
Poetry by Lisa Ampleman (19- )
4 songs for high voice voice and piano
Duration 15 minutes
(*also available for medium voice and piano)

Vestige of a Woman (2012)
Poetry by Christina Rosetti (1830-1894)
4 songs for high voice and piano
Duration 19 minutes
On Faith and Life (2011)
Text from “The Cid Ballad and Other Poems,” (1887), translated from original German, by James Young Gibson
3 songs for medium voice and piano
Duration 9 minutes


Bluegrass (2023)
Songs set to folk texts derived from traditional
Appalachian fiddle reels, with an original song by Sarah Hutchings
Commissioned by soprano, Mary-Hollis Hundley
4 songs for voice and piano
Duration 19 minutes
(*available for all voice types and piano)
d'Arc (2022)
From Procès de condemnation et de rehabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc dite La Pucelle (Trial of condemnation and rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, known as “The Virgin”) by Christine de Pizan (1364-1420)
Commissioned by Dr. Rachel Copeland and Penn State University
4 songs for high voice and string quartet
Duration 17 minutes
(*full score and piano/vocal score available)

Free Beer Tomorrow (2012)
Poetry by Jeff Gundy (1952- )
A song for low voice, guitar and piano
Duration 3 minutes

Missa Brevis (2022)
An abbreviated setting of the Mass Ordinary
Commissioned by Paulette Saldanha
For SATB chorus (no divisi) and organ
Duration 10 minutes

Stabat Mater Seorsa (2019)
Latin text
Commissioned by the Florida Atlantic University Women's Chorus, Vocalis
A cappella chorus, SSAA
Duration 4 minutes
(*piano rehearsal score available)

Your Love is Like a Rainbow (2010)
(Text by the Maclay School Elementary Students)
Commissioned by the Maclay School in honor of their annual Grandparents Day celebration.
Unison voices, violin, cello and piano accomp.
Duration 4 minutes
(*piano rehearsal score and parts available)

Rodman in North Korea (2016)
(Libretto by Mark Sonnenblick)
Commissioned by Houghton Lyric Theatre
A comedic opera for principals, mixed chorus and chamber orchestra
Duration 60 minutes
Synopsis: A comedic opera about Dennis Rodman’s first trip to North Korea.
Cast: Dennis Rodman – baritone, Kim Jong Un – counter tenor/mezzo-soprano, Kim Won Hong – tenor, Chorus SATB,
Orchestra: (1/1/1+bassclar./0), (1/1/1/1), perc. (2 players), piano, strings.
(*piano rehearsal score, full score and parts available)

20 Minutes or Less (2015)
(Libretto by Mark Sonnenblick)
Commissioned by the Washington National Opera, American Opera Initiative
A comedic chamber opera in one act for principals and chamber orchestra
Duration 20 minutes
Synopsis: Synopsis: Present day at the Pizza Queen, a small chain restaurant in the Midwest. Osha’s first night working at Pizza Queen coincides with their most important delivery of the year. Will her co-workers like and respect her? Will she get the pizza to the customer in time? Will the thin veneer of human civilization prove strong enough to keep the empty chaos of the universe at bay? The clock is ticking…
Cast: Osha – mezzo-soprano, Damian – baritone, Candice – soprano, Pizza Queen #1 – soprano, Pizza Queen #2 – tenor
Orchestra: (1/1/1/1), (1/1/1/1), timp.+1, piano, strings (1/0/1/1)
(*piano rehearsal score, full score and parts available)

Styria (2013)
(Libretto by Amanda Consul)
Premiered at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
A dramatic opera for principals, chorus and orchestra in two acts
Duration 90 minutes
Synopsis: based on the novel, “Carmilla” by Sheridan Le Fanu. A young woman,
Lily, must choose between the marriage her father wants and a life as a vampire.
Cast: Osha – Lily - soprano, Carmilla – mezzo-soprano, Old Laura – soprano,
Father – baritone, The Count – tenor, Chorus (townspeople) SATB
Orchestra: (2/2/2/2), (2/2/2/2), timp.+1, piano, harp, strings (2/2/2/2/1).
(*piano rehearsal score available)

Remember Me (2011)
(Libretto by Sarah Hutchings, with poetry by Christina Rosetti (1830-1894))
Premiered at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
A dramatic opera scene for principals and piano
Duration 7 minutes
Synopsis: A young wife gets bad news from her doctor and must confront an unfaithful husband.
Cast: Wife –soprano, Husband – baritone, piano.
(*piano rehearsal score available)

Psicopata.yellow (2017)
For solo cello
Duration 7 minutes

Prismatic (2011)
A sonata in 3 movements for cello and piano
Duration 15 minutes

Cerulean Sands (2009)
For saxophone quartet
Duration 4 minutes

Purple Mahogany (2007)
For solo saxophone
Duration 7 minutes